Raised by Design

Month: May 2014

Bangarang! Desktop Freebie

Hey peeps! Yesterday I did something that felt a little scary…I put myself out there. Not just out there, but out there on Facebook. Amongst my peers. That’s a major leap to take when you’re just starting out and I have new respect for everyone that’s done it before. You remember the feeling, right?

On the other side of just doing it, it feels GREAT to start spreading the word about Raised by Design. So in the spirit of taking leaps, here’s a desktop wallpaper freebie I made for you. Just click on the image below, right-click and save as your desktop picture. And be sure to follow RBD on Facebook so we don’t miss a beat!

bangarang! desktop wallpaperLoveyoubye! Maggie

Mother’s Day Instagram Giveaway

This week, as we approach Mother’s Day, I want to direct your attention to this blog’s name.  It’s all there: the story of how I finally came around to redirecting my career, going back to school, launching my own business and starting this blog all in the name of bringing design back to the center of my life. I was Raised by Design.


I’m convinced that there is creativity in everyone; and it works like a muscle that needs to be kept fit. Some people never tone it up, like my triceps, for example. But others spend their lives constantly creating until it ends up being the strongest muscle they have. No successful artist or designer is born out of pure talent. They’ve been trained, influenced and inspired by a community of family, friends, teachers and designers before them. And at its core, that is what this blog is really about: the ones before us.

For my Mom’s part, it was through her career as an artist, author, teacher, designer and home-maker that I learned to live and breath design. Anyone who steps into my home, peeks in my closet or skims through my portfolio can see where her influence lives in me.

So to celebrate Mother’s Day here on the blog, and to kickstart my blog series about Design Influencers, I’m hosting my first ever giveaway through Instagram. I’ll be posting images all week on my Instagram feed of ways in which my mother, Charlotte Lyons, has influenced me to become a designer. Things that she’s given me that now have a place in my home or lessons I’ve learned from watching her make her home.

And I want to spread the love around and see how YOUR mom has influenced you! I also want to GIVE you one of these vintage cuties with its new air plant buddy (books stay with me!). See how to enter for the giveaway below.

lusterware elephant
vintage lusterware elephant
seashell airplant holder
awesome seashell decor
panda airplant holder
hand painted panda

Here’s how to enter:

  1. Download the Instgram App for iPhone or Android if you haven’t already and follow me! @reallymaggie
  2. Take a photo of something that shows how your Mom has influenced you and post it to Instagram with the hashtag #RAISEDBYDESIGN (it can be anything!)
  3. You can post as many pics/entries as you like between now and midnight EST on Mother’s Day – Sunday, May 11th
  4. I’ll select a winner at random on Monday morning and announce it both on Instagram and here on the blog.
  5. If you win, you’ll tell me which of the 3 vintage cuties you want to claim as your prize and I’ll wrap it up and ship it to you!
  6. Then you’ll tell your Mother, wherever she may be, that you love her.

Moms are the best, right?!!?!

Loveyoubye, Maggie




Don’t know why I chose this Lily Pulitzer candy striped motif for the links post this week. But I did. Happy Friday! Here’s what I’ve been peepin’ around the interwebs this week. A lot of girly stuff.

You guys have a great weekend! Loveyoubye, Maggie

Before + After: Landscaping Progress

I know, I haven’t really given you a proper introduction to Lil’ Spot. So here’s a quick backstory. Our 882 sq. ft. kit house was built in the 1950’s by a couple who emigrated from Eastern Europe. They built this little spot with their own hands and took great care of it for 60-some-odd years. When they passed on it was sold as part of their estate. Lucky for us, we were first-time home buyers looking for fixer-upper to cut our teeth on home ownership and renovations. Here’s what it looked like the day we closed on it, 4 years ago this April:

curbside house

I must confess that today it looks almost exactly the same from this view. My Dad always says, “You fix the inside of your house for you, you fix the outside for your  neighbors.” So the front has been bumped to the bottom of our very long list of renovation projects. Sorry, neighbors! We did swap out the mailbox (a wedding gift from friends with number decals I added), painted the front door a nice dark navy blue (Benjamin Moore Hale Navy) and replaced the screen door with a more modern full glass door (sans eagle).


But we haven’t done a thing to the poor overcrowded boxwoods, hydrangeas, azaleas, mountain laurel, dwarf pine and japonica. We also haven’t ripped out the last hedgerow of invasive barberry and privet. Or fixed our broke-ass concrete path and crumbling steps. Or painted our peeling porch. We’re not proud of it. We’re just busy. And not made of money.

Over the last 4 years we’ve really focused in on the back yard, where we spend most of our time in the warm months. With such a small house, having a big backyard makes us feel like we have more living space. Here are some BEFORE snaps from 2010.

View facing North into our neighbor’s yard. With a tin-can-man that is funky but I kind of love.

Our neighbor to the south has a small yard that is mostly occupied by a well-maintained vegetable garden. We love learning about growing vegetables from the elderly couple that owns the property. They even share extra plants with us.

I’m sure those ginormous laundry line poles didn’t escape your trained eye either. They’re retired since everyone has electric dryers these days. But they’ve found a second life as nesting sites for nuthatches and training poles for woodpeckers.

Don’t mind the John Baldessari-esque dots. I’m protecting privacy here, it’s serious business.

View facing east. This chain link beauty is still there and I’m doing my best to hide it with plantings.

Oh, and then there’s the infamous pear tree. There was so much that I loved about this tree. The scale was perfect for the house and I adored its cute lollipop shape. In spring there were fragrant white flowers and it provided privacy from the 2-story house to the north. Plus, it produced dozens upon dozens of pears each summer. But…it produced dozens upon dozens of pears each summer. And we couldn’t keep up with them. And they tasted like crab apples. And they attracted bees. And got stuck in our lawnmower. And STUNK like rotting fruit. And…we eventually decided it had to go.

pear tree

Down she goes…

pear tree coming down
I think I actually teared up. Poor tree. We’ll never forget you.

Also I should mention the teeny-tiny sad peach tree planted in the middle of the yard. We gave it the college try but it just wasn’t thriving. Plus, we noticed it had developed an oozing fungus and an ant infestation. Buy-bye, little nasty tree.


The last corner of our backyard was occupied by this crazy contraption covering the steps to the basement. Complete with corrugated composite, sheet metal, rusty poles and plenty of jagged wire. A wonderland for young children looking to get tetanus.

basement contraption

So, here’s the BEFORE + AFTER of our backyard plan, illustrated by yours truly.

Garden Plan - BEFORE + AFTER - Existing Plants
BEFORE garden plan (with a creative way of spelling “lilac” for your enjoyment.)
backyard plan before + after
AFTER garden plan

I justified cutting down a beautiful, mature fruit tree by planting not one, but SIX other native trees in the yard. Do you think I overcompensated? The pictures I took are horrendous so I made this list instead:

trees added to lil' spot

We also put in a pre-fab shed since we don’t have a garage. It’s wonderful, I would like to move in like a hipster. Maybe one day when we replace the siding on our house it will match. For now, it’s just so dang cute.

garden shed and climbing rose
our cute shed being upstaged by the climbing rose

We also planted a native perennial garden along the chain-link fence. In our hood we don’t put up tall fences because then you don’t get vegetable plants from your neighbors. Just a little privacy goes a long way so we did switchgrass and red osier dogwoods in the back row and filled in with purple coneflower, lavender bee balm and purple agastache. This will be the second year for this bed so we’ll see how it all fills in.

native perennial garden
the shed in action; native grasses and perennials

Last summer, my kick ass Dad built a huge, awesome deck on the back of the house. He’s turning 65 this year and can still rip up a driveway, drill for pilings, pour concrete and build a freakin’ deck! Yee-haw. The deck has by far been the biggest improvement to our yard, especially paired with the renovations we did inside which allow for direct access to the backyard through sliding doors off of the kitchen.

The deck is home to our Beetlejuicey black and white striped patio umbrella. I can’t tell you how much I love this umbrella!

patio umbrella

Actually, yes I can. I love it just a little less than the set of 4 original Russell Woodard Sculptura chairs handed down to me by my mother-in-law, which were passed down to her from her mother. I feel so lucky to have them. When we were growing up my Mom chained our porch furniture down after some problems with theft in our neighborhood. Don’t think I haven’t considered the same for these babies.

Russell Woodard Sculptura Chairs + West Elm Table

And that’s pretty much where we are these days. This year I’m letting things grow in and become more established. I’m resolving to water when my garden needs it and learn about pruning and caring for the plants that I have.

Is anyone still reading?! Holy Marathon Blogpost! Sorry to post so late tonight. I gotta go make dinner and watch some trish-trash on the TV.

Loveyoubye, Mags

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