It’s been 4 years since I first registered this blog URL. No seriously. And this is my first. post. Guess that means I can cross ‘impulsive’ off my list of possible personality traits.
Ever since it was time to grow up and get a big-girl job I’ve been in serious need of an outlet for all of this designerly energy that’s bouncing around my cubicle. Lucky [or not-so-lucky] for you, this blog is now the very public place where I’ll share all of that energy with anyone who wants to check in on me and make sure everything upstairs is in working order.
Now that I’m officially into my thirties, I think it’s time to get this show on the ROAD!
So far…this is awkward.
But I’m sure first blog posts are just like first dates. Just don’t expect a goodnight kiss. I see you jiggling your keys.